How to Render Data from a GraphQL API in ReasonReact
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Recently, I decided to start learning ReasonReact. I chose it because my friend Sean Grove recommended it, but also because I’ve been looking for an excuse to use Reason on a project.
I like that ReasonReact is
- similar to React
- type-safe (like TypeScript, but out-of-the-box)
There are more benefits that I’m surely not yet aware of, but that’s not what this post is about.
This post is me attempting to understand something I took for granted working with React:
Query a GraphQL API for some data and render that list of data
Seems pretty easy, right? I thought so too! But without properly understanding primitives in Reason, like option, it proved to be a bit more difficult.
This post walks through the example I was dealing with, how I figured out the solution thanks to the community and what I learned.
I felt like writing a plain old ReasonReact app was boring and easy. I wanted to start a little bit higher and see what it was like to add a GraphQL client to the mix, like Apollo.
I thought to myself,
Why don’t I follow Apollo’s ApolloClient React tutorial, but do it with ReasonReact?
So that’s what I did. I followed their tutorial thinking it would be a good way to get things set up.
What went well
Things started off well.
I found reason-apollo-hooks
, which were the bindings for @apollo/react-hooks
(thank you @Astrocoders!).
Following their README
, I set everything up and it looked good!
I was even able to log my data to the console with Js.log2("my data", data)
and it worked!
If only rendering data was as easy as logging in…
What I struggled with
When it came to rendering data, I struggled. The GraphQL API I was working with had a lot of nullable data. In regular vanilla React, I don’t really worry about this kind of thing. Or at least, I don’t think I do.
However, because Reason is typed, I do have to worry about it. And this is where I got stuck.
I was stuck on this particular error message:
Error: This pattern matches values of type option('a)
but a pattern was expected which matches values of type
Js.Array.t(option({. "currency": option(string),
"rate": option(string)}))
array(option({. "currency": option(string),
"rate": option(string)}))
I didn’t understand the option part. It looked funky to me. After trying to google various things and struggling for a few hours, I finally decided to post in the Reason Discord.
I hadn’t spent much time in the Reason Discord community prior to this so I didn’t know what to expect.
To my surprise, people were quick to help me! At first, I didn’t understand the solutions people gave me. I felt embarrassed to ask more questions and have them clarify, but after I did, it cleared things up.
With a little bit of extra help for rendering an array of null
(due to the way the API was designed + the types Reason wanted), I figured out the solution!

Here’s what the code looked like after getting things to work:
open ApolloHooks;
open Belt;
module GetExchangeRates = [%graphql
query getExchangeRates {
rates(currency: "USD") {
let make = () => {
let (simple, _full) = useQuery(GetExchangeRates.definition);
{switch (simple) {
| Loading => <p> {React.string("Loading...")} </p>
| Data(data) =>
let currencies =
switch (data##rates) {
| Some(rates) =>
rates-> =>
->Option.flatMap(rate => rate##currency)
->Option.mapWithDefault(React.null, currency =>
<p> {React.string(currency)} </p>
| None => [||]
| NoData
| Error(_) => <p> {React.string("Get off my lawn!")} </p>
I wouldn’t call it pretty, but it’s certainly functional!
The hurdle I fought to get over was handling the different nullable cases. If we walk through this data, this is what’s happening (starting on the line switch(data##rates)
- Rates either returns an array or
so we need to switch on it- If it returns some data, we map over that data
- If it returns no data, we return an empty array
- Mapping over rates, we have rate. we pipe that through
- We pipe that through
which does this:- By default, we return
- Otherwise with data, we can finally use the currency string inside a
- By default, we return
Struggling through this, I realized a few gaps in my knowledge:
- I wasn’t comfortable with pattern matching in Reason
- I didn’t understand the option type
- I didn’t know about utilities like
Once I received an explanation from members of the Reason community and suggestions, I saw my data rendered on the screen and it felt magical.
If you want to see this code in the original repo, you can view the source at this commit.
I learned that having a good understanding of pattern matching and the option type are important when working with GraphQL in ReasonReact. I am excited to continue learning Reason and using it in future projects. Hopefully this is the first post of many!
I’ve heard there are a lot of exciting things coming up in the newest release(0.8.0) of ReasonReact including documentation fixes (and an Apollo/GraphQL recipe!).
Thanks for reading!
Lastly, I want to give thanks to members of the Reason community who helped me understand how to fix my code:
- @yawaramin
- @anmonteiro
- @sgrove
- @the__spyder
- @fhammerschmidt